Important Dates

Families and students of Brubaker,
While our current circumstances related to the COVID-19 closure continue to bring upon unique challenges, the reality that time continues on also brings us to the conclusion of the 2019-2020 school year.  While I would like to communicate with more depth and detail, I also recognize that information comes at an almost alarming rate at times, so with this in mind, I will be as succinct as possible.
Important Dates and Information:
  • Tuesday, May 26th, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm you may come to Brubaker to collect student belongings.  (Details below)
    • Enter through Sheridan Ave. into the WEST (rear) parking lot as you would dismissal.
    • Please print the following on a paper in large letters “Student first and last name – Teacher last name”
    • If possible, please unlatch your trunk or rear door so that staff members can place bag(s) in the vehicle.  If you do not have a latch that works from the inside, staff can hand the bag through the window.
    • Bring any library books and musical instruments to school for return
    • Student laptops can remain with students for the summer if you would like.
  • Thursday, May 28th is the last student day.
    • While we do not have the luxury of face to face contact, the hugs, warm tears, and excited smiles that are often seen on the last day, it will be important to ensure students have the opportunity to say goodbye to their teachers.  Please set aside time for them to be able to have these important conversations.  This will help our students to adjust to the transition of summer during these surreal times.
Finally, I would like to conclude with appreciation for all of your support, not only during the COVID-19 closure, but for the months and years long before this time.  The Brubaker community is an incredible group that the staff at Brubaker have been fortunate to be a part of since 2003.  The uncertainty that the COVID-19 pandemic naturally causes feeling of concern, worry, and even anxiety.  While I wish that I could address all questions, educationally related or otherwise, I can only state the following…  It is my true hope that we will all recognize that the answers will come, but while we are waiting, our focus should be on those closest to us.  When the time comes, we will overcome our collective challenges through teamwork, communication, patience, and grace.  From the Brubaker family to you and yours, have a safe. healthy, and meaningful summer.
Mark Adams, Principal, Brubaker Elementary
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