News from Ms. Wiegmann
Wow! Can you believe it is already January? This school year has gotten off to a great start. Teachers are spending collaboration time working together participating in data team meetings, reviewing, and utilizing data to guide their decisions about instruction and strategies that will best meet student needs. We are meeting multiple days every week to increase our knowledge and skills as teachers in order to bring the highest quality instruction to your students.
Our Supplemental Educational Services program (otherwise known as Extended Learning) is running smoothly. We have approximately 80 students working with teachers before or after school to improve their math skills. We will be sending a form out at the end of this week for parents to sign up for the second semester Supplemental Educational Services opportunities. We encourage parents to take advantage of this as it is a great way for your student to receive extra instruction and practice on their skills.
Remember to send your student to school in warm outer clothing as we go outside when the temperatures (including windchill) are 15 degrees or warmer. If your student wants to play in the snow, they need to have snow boots, snow pants, as well as their coat, hat, and gloves.
As I look at the safety plan for Brubaker, I am always trying to find ways to maintain and improve the level of safety and security provided to staff and your students. Please remember that the main east doors are the only point of entry for parents and families at any time of the day. This is to ensure that we know who is in the building and that you can check in with the office staff before fulfilling your purpose in the builidng. Also, please remember that all family members must wait outside for your students at the end of the day. This again, is to ensure that the teacher can see you meet up with your student to ensure their safe transition from school to home.
Thank you for entrusting your student to us.
As our district elementary commitments state:
We will ensure a safe and respectful learning environment.
We will support the implementation of a rigorous curriculum by ensuring powerful instruction that is driven by meaningful data.
We will empower staff by providing meaningful professional development.
We will model high expectations and coaching to excellence.
We will work collaboratively while fostering positive relationships
We will value and celebrate the unique strengths and talents of all.
Amy Wiegmann