Device and Packet Distribution

Brubaker families,
We are excited to announce that the plans to distribute devices have been finalized.  On Wednesday, April 22nd, from 10:00 am to 6:00 pm, Brubaker and Hoyt will work together to ensure everyone who completed the survey question indicating that a device was needed will be able to come to school to pick up the device(s).  To make this process go as smoothly as possible, please see below for more specific details:
Device Distribution Plan:
  • All staff will be wearing masks and gloves, as well as frequently using hand sanitizer.  All staff will also provide maximum physical distance when interacting socially.
  • Enter from Sheridan Ave. (Street just SOUTH of Brubaker/Hoyt) and enter the staff parking lot.
  • Inform the radio operator if you have students at Brubaker, Hoyt, or both schools, as well as the name of the student(s) and classroom teacher(s).
  • Vehicles will have a sign affixed to either the rear or front window with a Brubaker, Hoyt, or Brubaker & Hoyt designation as well as a number that will be relayed into the staff staging area.
  • You will be directed to a parking space by an attendant and the device(s) will be brought to your vehicle.
    • All devices have been recently updated, so there will be no need to log in before leaving, simply exit back into Sheridan Ave.
  • We will not use the front (EAST) of the building due to lunch/breakfast distribution.
  • To help the process go as smoothly and quickly as possible, please have “School +Student name + Teacher name” ready for the radio operator.
There will be support documents included in each bag, including care instructions, login information, and how to reach out for technical support if needed.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to work through solutions to the challenging time.
Brubaker families,
As a reminder, Brubaker will now be distributing packets of work for students in grades K-5.  Packet distribution will occur each Monday during the COVID-19 closure, from 11:00 to 12:30.  This time occurs simultaneously with lunch/breakfast times.
All staff will sanitize hands, wear gloves, as well as masks.  We will also maintain maximum distance when distributing packets.  To make the process go as smoothly as possible, please ask for the number of packets needed for each grade level (For example, 1 each for grades 2, 4, and 5.”
The access point will start at the 42nd Street entrance (front of the building).  Families who only want packets may exit without waiting for lunch/breakfast if they choose to do so.
Thank you for your continued support as we continue to work through this challenging time.
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